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Monday, March 28, 2016

Monthly Update - March

March Update

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter weekend. It ended up being a beautiful Easter day here for me and my family.

Today is another story though. The temps have dropped and it's raining outside as I type.

This month has been a great one. I accomplished a lot of the things I've been wanting to do for the last few months.

(Drum roll, please) I finally got Home finished. I even worked hard to get it available for pre-order. Today I'm working on getting it into paperback form. As of right now I have everything ready to go except for the paperback cover.

As much as I had been wanting to finish this series it was also hard to see it come to an end. Now that it's finished though I can finally take a breather.

My plans for April are going to be simple once again. I have another book in a series that I want to get finished. I'm going to put my mind strictly on that book and nothing else. I'll be working on the third book, Betrayed, in The Onyx Wolves Series.

Also, since my last giveaway for Barely Alive went so well I am planning on doing another Goodreads giveaway for another on of my books around mid April. I've already prepared to do a giveaway each month for the next few months actually. It's been a great and fun way  to get my books out there in front of readers.

So, for the month of April I'll be doing a giveaway and working on the third book in The Onyx Wolves Series. It should be simple enough to handle.


Have a great and productive month.
Happy writing :)

Raven K. Asher