Tuesday Teaser
Since release day is only four days away I figured that I'd give everyone a teaser. I can't wait for you guys to read Eternal. Enjoy!!
“Okay, so now that you’ve heard
everything what do you think that Harper should do? Should she stay with me
outside of Linbridge until the threat is gone or should we stay together,
here?” Erik questions.
“I don’t think that she should go
anywhere,” Drake states first.
He was as much a part of this clan
as anyone in this room, and I was grateful that the others had accepted him
without hesitation.
“I agree with Drake and Harper.
Every time we split up something terrible happens.” Ivan replies. “I’m not
willing to take the risk that the hunters won’t follow you two out of town.”
“Ivan has a point.” James states.
“We have no idea who we can trust. They might be waiting for someone to leave
Linbridge and without all of us it puts both you and Harper into a dangerous
Erik nods and then turns his
attention towards Silas. “What do you think?”
“Honestly, I’m on your side, Erik.
I don’t like the thought of Harper leaving, but it’s obviously not safe to stay
here anymore.” Silas replies. “You heard what those men said tonight; they were
under the impression that we were vampires. They got their orders from someone,
somewhere, and I do not doubt that they will send more men.”
“That’s true, but she was safer here
with all of us protecting her.” Ivan insists.
“James…?” Erik sighs as he turns
towards him for his response.
He doesn’t say a word for a few
minutes before he finally opens his mouth to speak. Before he says a word, he
closes his mouth before standing up abruptly.
Without warning he exits the room,
leaving the rest of us in a state of confusion.
“Is he coming back?” I whisper as I
look at Erik in question.
“I don’t know.” He breathes out.
A few moments later James walks
back into the room with a large knife held in his hand. He walks directly
behind Silas before he stabs the knife into Silas’s shoulder.
I scream out in pain as blood
stains my shirt.
“What the hell, James?” Silas
growls out.
“Have we all forgotten that there’s
more than one way to get to Harper?” James questions as he removes the knife
from Silas’s shoulder.
“If we split up we run the risk of
her getting hurt either way. You’ve said it yourself, Erik, we are stronger
together.” James states before turning his full attention towards me as he smirks.
“I want her to stay. She wants to stay, and I’m not about to push her away.”
Erik nods and then rubs his hand
over his face while he glances down at his feet.
A moment later he looks at me. “I
guess you get your way this time, Sweetheart. Ivan, Drake, and James are right;
we will be better off together.”
“So, I’m staying?” I press.
He nods. “Yes, and I won’t bring
this subject up again.”
Happy Reading!!
Raven K. Asher