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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is here and it’s a time of making resolutions. Most of them will fall through the cracks throughout the year but some of them will stick.

I believe the reason most of these resolutions fail is because they might not fit into what we want. They just fall into the category of things we would love to do but don’t have time for. So many times we get caught up in the same old routine.

Many of us go with the crowd. We want to lose weight or travel the world. Those things can happen but let’s be realistic most of those resolutions never come to fruition.

It’s not because we don’t want them, it’s because we just don’t have the time or motivation to chase after them.

That’s why when I make resolutions I kind of build myself stepping stones to get to those points.
Say I want to lose weight. Instead of thinking I must go to a gym and I have to start all these crazy diets and whatnot I would make my resolution something simple like learning one yoga position a day in my own home until I was comfortable going out. 

If I want to diet I would slowly change my diet. Instead of that bag of M&M’s I would buy a bag of carrots. Substitute one thing until you’ve changed your entire way of eating.

Taking baby steps is the key.

If we try to focus on the whole we only overwhelm ourselves and I believe that’s why most resolutions fail before they even have a chance.

What are you resolutions?

What do you want to accomplish this coming year? Do you want to create world peace, to travel the world, or to just simply relax and read a good story?

All of these can be accomplished with baby steps. You might not be able to create world peace but you can create a peaceful place within your home or within your neighborhood.

You might want to travel the world but right in your own back yard you might be missing out on some amazing things. Do some searches in your area to see what historical places might be hidden.
And we all know, especially when you’re a mother, how hard it is to get time to read a book. That one might be the hardest of them all to accomplish but it’s possible.

It’s all possible.

This year I’ve gone on to take baby steps. I only have a few resolutions this year. One being to work harder at my writing, and since I’ll be going on my third year this year I want to up my game. I want stunning covers and fantastic editing. To have those I’ve got to push myself since I’m my own cover designer and editor.

I’ve already bought more how-to books to learn from, and to build myself up to a higher skill level.

Another resolution this year is to take a few risks. I’m terrified of doing new things sometimes so this is going to be a rather hard resolution to keep but I’m sure going to try my hardest to break free from my bubble.

A small step here might just be for me to write out in public or to do something I normally wouldn’t like approaching someone who reviews books to take a look at one of mine. (I’ve always been terrified of criticism. I can handle it I just hate placing myself on the chopping block.)

One last thing I want to do this year is to make more memories with my children. Time is passing by so quickly and I want to make as many memories as I can with them. I want to start new traditions with them too.

There’s a lot more I could add to the list of things I want to do this year but I want to keep it simple. Hopefully by the end of the year I can say I accomplished them all.

This year is going to be a good one but only if we make it that way.


Happy New Year

Raven K. Asher